SIMONA is a simulation tool for generating time series in the context of distribution grids to be used in grid planning, operation and analysis. The simulation is executed using an agent-based, discrete-event model. SIMONA is being developed at the Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics at TU Dortmund University, Germany.

Power Grid Model

With SIMONA, you can model your power grid using a broad variety of different available asset types. The input data for the grid must be provided in the PowerSystemDataModel format. (For more information on this data model, please visit the PowerSystemDataModel documentation.) The combination of implemented physical participant models and your provided input data forms a power grid that can be further investigated and analysed using ancillary tools.

SIMONA System Overview


SIMONA is designed to simulate the assets’ behaviour with each other and with the grid itself. In this process, SIMONA uses an individuality approach, meaning that the simulation is focussed on the individual behaviour of the assets rather than the entire grid.

Since SIMONA uses an agent-based approach, the assets are modelled as agents. There are system participant agents (SPA), which represent generators or loads commonly used in distribution grids (PV, Wind Turbine, EV, Storages, …). In addition to that, a grid agent (GA) manages interactions between subgrids and with the subordinate SPAs.

SIMONA Message Protocol Overview

Further Information and Contact Details

Please, visit the SIMONA website for further Information. There you will also find the current developers’ contact information.